The first online course I’ve ever done turns out to be the best writing course I’ve ever done (and I’ve done lots of brilliant ones). Created and taught by Anne Taylor and Victoria Field, the Introduction to Reflective and Therapeutic Writing is a rich and varied adventure into personal archaeology and cartography. You will dig deep. You will travel far. You will find your pen knows its way. You will uncover your questions. You will uncover the questions behind your questions. You may well find some answers – to private and professional conundrums, and to creative ones. You will cover journal writing, biblio-poetry therapy, writing the self, reflective writing, metaphor, coaching, writing in groups – and you will create a new future. You will enjoy the detailed, insightful and empathetic feedback of your tutors and your peers. Be prepared to be stimulated, surprised, self-sabotaged, side-blinded – and supported. Highly recommended!