How to write a standout application for our Edit Your Novel course

How to write a standout application for our Edit Your Novel course

5 things to think about when putting together your application for this flagship course.

Georgia Northall

Yippee – you’ve reached the final stage with your novel – you’re happy with your latest draft and ready to dig in and get that manuscript agent-ready. Congratulations!

If you’re considering applying to our 18-week online course, Edit Your Novel: the Professional Way, it’s worth putting together an application that showcases your dedication and readiness to progress. 

Here’s how to craft an application that stands out from the crowd. 

1. Start with Your Author Biography

Your author bio is the first impression we have of you so make it count! Keep things concise – no more than 200 words – and focused around your writing journey, achievements and what drives your creative process.

What to Include:

  • Writing Experience: mention any relevant courses, workshops or writing groups you’ve participated in.
  • Publishing History: if you’ve been published, whether traditionally or independently, include that information. Don’t worry, first-timers are welcomed. 
  • Accolades and Accomplishments: have you won any writing prizes or received significant recognition? Be sure to reference it.
  • Writing Interests and Goals: Share what genres you write in and why, what excites you about writing and your long-term writing aspirations. 

Example: ‘I’m a fiction writer with a passion for historical novels which was sparked by a love of Robert Goddard’s work. I’ve completed several writing courses, including a Jumpstart Your Novel course with the Professional Writing Academy, which helped me develop my premise and synopsis. I’m driven by a love of history and storytelling, and my goal is to create compelling, character-driven narratives that entice readers in and keep them going.’

2. Explain Why You Want to Join the Course

This section is your opportunity to express your motivation and enthusiasm for learning. Be specific about what you hope to gain and why this course is the right fit for you at this stage of your writing journey.

What to Include:

  • Your Motivation: why do you want to edit your novel now? What are your goals?
  • Course Alignment: how do you think the course will help you achieve your writing objectives? What are you struggling with? What do you want to improve?
  • Commitment: show that you’re ready to engage fully with the course content and work on your manuscript.

Example: ‘I’m eager to refine my manuscript and gain structural editing skills. I’m particularly excited about the focus on creating a strong submission package. I’m committed to making the most of this opportunity and am ready to work intensively on my novel.’

3. Provide a Clear Synopsis

Your one-page synopsis is crucial – it gives us an overview of your story’s plot, characters and themes. The synopsis should be single-spaced and provide a concise yet engaging summary of your novel. Don’t hold back on the spoilers!

Tips for Writing Your Synopsis:

  • Focus on the Main Plot: highlight the central conflict, major events and the resolution.
  • Introduce Key Characters: briefly describe the main characters and their roles in the story.
  • Keep it Concise: stick to one page, ensuring clarity and readability.

If you’re struggling with your synopsis don’t worry, we spend a lot of time refining this during the course sessions. 

‘As an agent and published author, I found the session on synopsis writing incredibly useful. I’ve always struggled with these, and the same is true for all authors I know. I doubt you’d find a writer who wouldn’t benefit… Kathryn is the perfect course tutor. I’d recommend her a thousand times over to anyone – published or unpublished.’ – course alum, Rachel Hamilton.

4. Submit the First 10 Pages of Your Manuscript

The first ten pages are your chance to demonstrate your writing style, voice and ability to engage readers. Ensure these pages are double-spaced and carefully edited for any grammatical or typographical errors.

Tips for a Strong Submission:

  • Engage Immediately: start with a compelling scene or opening that hooks the reader.
  • Showcase Your Style: let your unique author voice shine through.
  • Proofread Thoroughly: avoid simple mistakes that could distract from your writing.

5. Review and Submit

Before you hit submit, review your application thoroughly. Ensure all sections are complete, your writing is polished, and your enthusiasm for the course is evident.

What Happens Next?

Once you submit your application, the team will review it and respond within five working days. If your application is successful, you’ll receive information on next steps by email. 

Ready to Apply?

If you’re serious about refining your manuscript and preparing to submit, don’t miss this opportunity to work with industry experts and fellow dedicated writers. Apply for the Edit Your Novel course today to transform your draft into a submission-ready work that stands out to agents.

‘I consider enrolling in Edit Your Novel in September 2018 to be one of the best writing decisions I have ever made… Ultimately, it left me with the understanding that novel-writing ability is not innate or instinctive; all you need is a willingness to learn. I’m still learning, even now. There’s still plenty I don’t know, but this was the start of that journey.’ – Kristen Loesch, course alum and author of The Porcelain Doll (Allison & Busby, 2022).

View the application form. 


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Georgia Northall

Georgia Northall is our marketing lead.

She holds a BA (Hons) in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University and has since achieved certification in Digital Marketing.

She runs our social media and produces much of our marketing materials, from newsletters and tweets to blogs and live events.

You can also find her behind the scenes at WriteWell.

She’s an avid reader of fantasy and sci-fi, scouring the internet for recommendations at every opportunity. With several years of experience as an online book reviewer up her sleeve, there’s nothing she loves more than chatting about the latest publishing news.


More about Georgia Northall

Edit Your Novel the Professional Way

Take your novel from draft to agent-ready submission in 18 weeks.

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