Creativity For Writers

The course

Endless good ideas, the easy way.

Whether you need new inspiration for a novel, have to deliver a constant stream of ideas at work, would like to be a better problem-solver, or just beat writer’s block and take your creativity somewhere new, you’ll find the answer here.

This four-week online training guides you on a journey to tap into your innate creativity, taking lessons from psychology, neuroscience, art and philosophy alongside the secrets of successful creatives.

Weekly practical assignments will help hone your skills, harness your imagination, overcome obstacles, and establish rituals and deadlines.

Interested in this course? Join our waitlist.

Francesco Dimitri

Meet your course director

Francesco Dimitri

Francesco Dimitri is a prize-winning author of fiction and nonfiction, a screenwriter and comic book scriptwriter. He was on the Faculty of the School of Life, and has worked as a corporate and executive trainer with large European organisations, helping enhance the human and story skills of brands and businesses.

CPD accreditation

This course has been independently accredited for integrity and quality. It reaches globally recognised CPD standards and benchmarks for active learning that develops professional skills, competence and career aspirations.

How it works

We give you the theory in the form of videos, podcasts, written lectures and reading extracts. In the case of our live workshops, this includes a live online seminar.

You put it into practice by completing the writing assignments.

You share your work with the small group of fellow writers and the teaching team.

Your tutor and fellow learners read your work and give professional-style feedback on your submission. Giving feedback notes helps to build your skills as an editor - a critical part of the writing process.

You reflect on the exercises with the group and share what you’ve learned.

You use what you learned from the feedback and discussions to review your work and improve it.

Things to know

Creativity for Writers will benefit writers working in all genres and formats, looking for new inspiration and a richer palette of ideas – but it’s for non-writers too.

If you use ideas at work or need to solve problems, if you feel blocked, would like to tap your imagination, trust your judgment and explore your creativity, this course is for you.

The course is suitable if you:

  • Want to expand your range of ideas and feel more inspired as a writer
  • Suffer from writer’s block or The Fear or are stuck mid-novel
  • Need to use words more effectively at work
  • Would like to generate more effective ideas and find your voice
  • Want to explore your imagination and see where curiosity can take you
  • Need to get better at problem-solving or committing to new things
  • Are happy to try out new creative techniques
  • Enjoy the discipline of deadlines and would like to try peer feedback
  • Enjoy working with a friendly and supportive group of learners
  • Can dedicate 3-5 hours a week to complete the assignments.

This course allows you to:

  • Embrace your own ideas, cultivate your imagination and trust your emotional intelligence
  • Hone your observation skills, so you start to see ideas everywhere
  • Use deadlines to your advantage
  • Sift ideas and learn to judge which ones have legs
  • Approach problems with new eyes and master problem-solving skills
  • Commit to exploring ideas in more depth and sticking with them
  • Learn to embrace failure and listen to its lessons
  • Develop an understanding of the professional skills that move ideas into reality (eg discipline, attention to detail)
  • Increase your professionalism in working with others
  • Practise giving effective feedback to others and receiving critical notes
  • Build greater independence, autonomy and critical judgement as you work on a final assignment.

Our courses and training are carefully designed to support accessible and inclusive learning. 

Each course is divided into sessions. These sessions are released one by one (weekly or fortnightly, depending on the course). 

There’s no need to log on at a set time. You can work through the learning materials whenever suits you, day or night, wherever you are in the world. Just complete the assignments and join forum discussions by the session deadline. 

Our teaching method is based on the science of active learning: you read/listen/watch, try out, share and reflect. It’s a social experience – you become part of a small group, feeding back on each other’s writing to build a supportive bunch of readers you trust. Find out more here.

There are new lesson instalments on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week.

Session 1: Start Your Journey to Creativity – Tap into the innate creativity inside your head and learn how to draw inspiration from the world of ideas that surrounds all of us all the time. Choose an idea to work on over the next month, and share for discussion.

Find the Creativity Inside – Understand your psychological make-up – and how it can both stimulate and stop your creativity. Practical ways to tap into universal needs and fears to source new ideas.

Look for Creativity Outside – How to spot good ideas disguised as problems, solutions, procedures and skills. Live hour-long group Zoom with your tutor to discuss your creative stimuli and obstacles. Take the first steps in developing your chosen idea, and share with your peers and tutor for feedback.

Session 2: Take a Leap – Learn how to cultivate the power of imagination more effectively, sift ideas and commit to taking them further, plus the art of problem-solving.

Harness your Imagination – Think like a scientist and poet, philosopher and artist to release your imagination. Practical ways to use constraints to make you more imaginative and get things done. Set some rules that work for you.

Learn to Commit – Diagnose your fear of committing to ideas. Tips on making choices, knowing they might be wrong. Discuss your approach to commitment and choose one or two ideas to explore in more depth.

Problem-solving and Creativity – Be like a scientist finding new problems to solve, an artist making up problems, and a business leader doing both. Select a problem with your chosen idea to approach with new eyes, and share with your peers and tutor for feedback.

Session 3: Overcome Your Struggles – You now know how to be creative! So let’s find ways to weave creativity into your daily routine. 

Establish Creative Rituals – Take control over your muse. Learn how rituals work plus practical ways to establish some that work for you.

Get Playful – Develop a mindset of fun and curiosity to keep new ideas flowing. Practical ways to keep creative through trickier moments and jumpstart a virtuous circle.

Embrace Failure – Take lessons from failure – why it’s not a sign of moving in the wrong direction nor success in disguise. Live hour-long group Zoom session with your tutor to discuss your creative rituals and mindset. Progress your chosen idea further using this week’s learning, and share with your peers and tutor for feedback.

Session 4: Make Creativity Happen – Finally, using everything you’ve learned over the past three weeks, you’ll draw the threads together to work on the creative task you identified in week 1 and produce a final submission (max 2,000 words), a reflection on your creative process (up to 200 words) and a list of the habits you will take away from the course.

There are tutor tips on:

  • Maintaining a network to bounce ideas off, be inspired by and inspire in turn
  • Getting over common blocks and barriers.

Plus a final opportunity to ask tutor questions and share work with your peers and tutor for feedback.

Your tutor will offer brief feedback notes on your final assignment at the end of the course.

Join our alumni community 

After your course, you can join our online alumni community – a friendly group of writers supporting each other as they continue to explore and develop their writing. There’s no cost for this. It’s easy to access via the online classroom, where you can:

  • Revisit all your courses materials, including tutor notes, feedback, videos, podcasts and forum posts
  • Rejoin your classmates, and continue working together in a private space
  • Meet alumni from other courses to find beta-readers and share work on our critiquing forum
  • Network with other writers working in your genre or area of interest
  • Take part in regular ‘sit and write’ Zoom sessions, to push forward with your work-in progress
  • Join our monthly live alumni events with our expert tutors and industry guests, including agents, editors, publishers, competition and festival organisers, and prizewinning writers.

Commission a report on your work
If you’d like to receive a personalised, detailed report on your final piece of writing from your course tutor, this is available at an extra cost. You’ll receive detailed written feedback assessing your ideas and writing, plus advice on what steps to take next.

Taking things further
If you’d like to continue on to another Professional Writing Academy course, please get in touch for more details.

The team

Meet your course team

Francesco Dimitri

Francesco Dimitri

Creativity Catalyst

Francesco Dimitri is a prize-winning author of fiction and nonfiction, a screenwriter and comic book scriptwriter. He was on the Faculty of the School of Life, and has worked as a corporate and executive trainer with large European organisations, helping enhance the human and story skills of brands and businesses.

More about Francesco Dimitri

Paula Winzar


Course Alumni

Meet our writers

Roz Watkins

Roz Watkins is the author of the acclaimed DI Meg Dalton series.

I found Francesco to be very supportive and interesting. I’m now 15,000 words into the new book, and happy with what I’ve done so far, so I can safely say the course was a success!

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